Malkhaz Meladze (MSc) May 1, 2012 Yvette 2008, Publication, Thesis Quantum Phase Transitions in the Dissipative Dicke Model Driven by an External Electric Field
Jonathan Mackrory (MSc) May 1, 2012 Yvette 2008, Publication, Thesis Photon Generation with Atomic Momentum Control in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (3Mb)
Felipe Dimer de Oliveira (PhD) May 1, 2012 Yvette 2008, Publication, Thesis Study of the Dicke model: From phase space approach to quantum trajectories (4.9Mb)
Sarah Morrison (PhD) May 1, 2012 Yvette 2008, Publication, Thesis Characterization of Quantum Phase Transitions in Dissipative Cavity QED Systems and Cold Atoms with Disorder (5.6Mb)
Changsuk Noh (PhD) May 1, 2012 Yvette 2009, Publication, Thesis Broadband Teleportation and Entanglement in Cascaded Open Quantum Systems (1.38Mb)