22nd International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), Cairns, Tropical North Queensland, Australia, 25-30 July, 2010.
Multi-Photon Blockade in Cavity QED (0.78Mb) S. S. Shamailov, M. J. Collett, A. S. Parkins, and H. J. Carmichael
4th Annual Dodd-Walls Symposium, Weir house, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, 31 January – 3 February, 2010.
Fidelity of single-photon teleportation (0.12Mb) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
3rd Annual Dodd-Walls Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, December 9-11, 2008.
Entangled photon states via quantum control in a linear cavity array (0.24Mb) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
Photon Correlation Functions and Photon Blockade in Two-Mode Cavity QED (0.23Mb) S. J. Whalen and H. J. Carmichael
International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP), University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, July 27 – August 1, 2008.
Teleportation of Non-Classical Light (1.4Mb) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
4th Asia Pacific Conference in Quantum Information Science, Cairns, July 2-5, 2008.
Laser Qubit Separability (1.9Mb) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
2nd Annual Dodd-Walls Symposium St. Margarets College, Univeristy of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, February 11-12, 2008.
Optical Coherence: More Fact Than Fiction (0.5Mb) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
Entanglement in Dissipative Collective Spin Models (2Mb) S. Morrison and A. S. Parkins
The 1st Inaugural Symposium of the Jack Dodd-Dan Walls Centre for Photonics and Ultra Cold Atoms, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, December 9-10 2006.
Quantum Teleportation of Resonance Fluorescence: Analytical Results for Spectra and Photon Correlations (0.44MB) C. Noh, L.Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Entangled-state Cycles of Atomic Collective-Spin States (1.1MB) A. Chia and A. S. Parkins
Quantum Dynamics of a Driven Trapped Atom (0.42 MB) S. J. Thwaite, M. J. Collett and H. J. Carmichael
Photon Correlations in Two-Mode Cavity QED (0.3MB) M. Kronenwett, A. S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
The Dicke Phase Transition with an External Electric Field (0.53MB) M.A.Meladze, M.J.Collett and H.J.Carmichael
Australian Institute of Physics 17th National Congress, Brisbane, Australia, December 3-8 2006.
Quantum Teleportation of Resonance Fluorescence: Analytical Results for Spectra and Photon Correlations (0.44MB) C. Noh, L.Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Entangled-state Cycles of Atomic Collective-Spin States (1.1MB) A. Chia and A. S. Parkins
Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy, Rotorua, New Zealand, December 5-9 2005.
Multi-mode Character of Superradiant Emission from 3D Extended Sources (2.4MB) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Random Walk of a Harmonically Trapped Atom in a Standing-Wave Field (0.4MB) R. Fisher, L. Horvath, M. Collett and H. J. Carmichael
Phase Transition in the Dicke Model: Phase Space Approach (0.2MB) F. D. De Oliveira, A. S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation of Resonance Fluorescence (0.4MB) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
The New Zealand and Australian Quantum-Atom Optics Workshop, Queenstown, New Zealand, November 29-December 1 2005.
Atomic Motion and Density Fluctuations in Cavity QED (0.7MB) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Multi-mode Character of Superradiant Emission from 3D Extended Sources (2.4MB) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Random Walk of a Harmonically Trapped Atom in a Standing-Wave Field (0.4MB) R. Fisher, L. Horvath, M. Collett and H. J. Carmichael
Phase Transition in the Dicke Model: Phase Space Approach (0.2MB) F. D. De Oliveira, A. S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
Continuous Variable Quantum Teleportation of Resonance Fluorescence (0.4MB) C. Noh and H. J. Carmichael
Australian Institute of Physics 16th National Congress, Canberra, January 31-February 4, 2005
Quantum trajectories for many-atom cavity QED (812 kB) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Quantum cycles (3.4 MB) M. Gu, S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
Australian and International Workshop on Quantum and Atom Optics, Kioloa, 12/2004
The dissipative Dicke model: cavity fluorescence and the quantum phase transition (844 kB) B. Estienne, F. Dimer, S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
Many atom entanglement in cascaded cavities (10 MB) M. Gu, S. Parkins and H. J. Carmichael
5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Quantum Information Science, Taiyuan, China, 21/08/2010.
Breakdown of multiphoton blockade: A dissipative quantum phase transition (2.36Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Quantum trajectory theory of ground state quantum beats in atomic spontaneous emission (2.74Mb) H. J. Carmichael, D. G. Norris, L. A. Orozco, and P. Barberis-Blostein
IVth International Conference: Frontiers in Nonlinear Physics,Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 17/07/2010.
Cavity QED: Nonlinearity in the world of quanta (2.64Mb) H. J. Carmichael, S. Shamailov, A. S. Parkins, and M. J. Collett
19th International Laser Physics Workshop, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 6/07/2010.
Quantum trajectory theory of ground state quantum beats in atomic spontaneous emission (2.70Mb) H. J. Carmichael, D. G. Norris, L. A. Orozco, and P. Barberis-Blostein
Quantum Measurement and Control Workshop, Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia, 13/02/2010.
Cavity QED: nonlinearity in the world of quanta (3.59Mb) H. J. Carmichael, S. Shamailov, A. S. Parkins, and M. J. Collett
18th International Laser Physics Workshop, Barcelona, Spain, 16 July, 2009.
Dissipative quantum phase transitions for photons and a single qubit (4.01Mb) H. J. Carmichael, S. Shamailov, A. S. Parkins, and M. J. Collett
39th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 5 January, 2009.
Quantum teleportation of the temporal correlations of light: squeezing and bandwidth requirements (2.33Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
3rd Annual Dodd-Walls Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand, December 9-11, 2008.
Conditional quantum dynamics in cavity QED with microtoroidal resonators (3.0Mb) A. S. Parkins
Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics, Prague, Czech Republic, July 28-August 2, 2008.
Open Quantum Systems, Entanglement, and the Laser Quantum State (8.1Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
2nd Annual Dodd-Walls Symposium, St. Margarets College, Univeristy of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, February 11-12, 2008.
Quantum Optics in Auckland: Theory for Lasers, Atoms and Ions (5.1Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Glauber, Einstein & Bohr-Kramers-Slater — Old Wine, New Bottle (4.9Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Entanglement and the Laser Quantum State (5.9Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
Open Quantum Systems, Entanglement, and the Laser Quantum State (7.3Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
Quantum-Atom Optics Downunder, Wollongong, Auatralia, December 3-6, 2007.
Quantum Stochastic Heating of a Trapped Ion Through Resonance Fluorescence(2Mb) L. Horvath, M. J. Collett, H. J. Carmichael, and R. Fisher
Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Quantum Information Science, Singapore, August 1-2, 2007.
Entanglement Between a Laser Source and Target (3.7Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Fourth Asia-Pacific Workshop on Quantum Information Science, Singapore, July 30–31, 2007.
Continuous Variable Teleportation of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Light (2.5Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
III International Conference “Frontiers of Noninear Physics”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 3-9, 2007.
Quantum Stochastic Heating of a Trapped Ion (2.1Mb) H. J. Carmichael
9th International Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, Rochester, USA, June 10-15, 2007.
Quantum Stochastic Heating of a Trapped Ion (2.1Mb) H. J. Carmichael
International Workshop on Quantum Noise 2007, Calloundra, Australia, May 14-18, 2007.
Entanglement Between a Laser Source and a Driven Qubit (4Mb) H. J. Carmichael and H. Nha
The 1st Inaugural Symposium of the Jack Dodd-Dan Walls Centre for Photonics and Ultra Cold Atoms, The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, December 9-10 2006.
Quantum Stochastic Processes for Composite Systems (1.9Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Australian Institute of Physics 17th National Congress, Brisbane, Australia, December 3-8 2006.
Quantum Jumps and the Quasi-classical Motion of a Trapped Ion (3.1Mb) H. J. Carmichael, L. Horvath, R. Fisher and M. Collett
Non-classical Light and Glauber’s Theory of Optical Coherence (4.4Mb) H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Jumps and the Quasi-classical Motion of a Trapped Ion (3.3Mb) H. J. Carmichael, L. Horvath, R. Fisher and M. Collett
Continuous Variable Teleportation of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Light (2.5Mb) H. J. Carmichael and C. Noh
An Introduction to the Theory of the Quantum Trajectories (2.3Mb) Young-Tak Chough
Self-consistency of the Thermal Jump Trajectories (1.3Mb) Young-Tak Chough
Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy, Rotorua, New Zealand, December 5-9 2005.
Atomic Motion and Density Fluctuations in Cavity QED (1.0Mb) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
The 12th National New Zealand Institute of Physics Conference, The University of Auckland, New Zealand, 07/2005:
Einstein and the Photoelectric Effect (1.3MB) H. J. Carmichael
Ab Initio Simulation of Many-atom Cavity QED (1.1MB) L. Horvath and H. J. Carmichael
Talk with a Cavity QED Simulation (7.2MB).
Quantum Phase Transition and Entanglement in the Dicke Hamiltonian (628K) F. Dimer, B. Estienne, S. Parkins, and H. J. Carmichael
Stochastic Electrodynamics Description of Quantum Teleportation with Continuous Variables (333K) A. Chia, M. J. Collett, and H. J. Carmichael
What is Quantum Teleportation (2.8 MB) H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Trajectory Formalism for Continuous Variable Teleportation (1.3 MB) H. J. Carmichael
Stochastic Schroedinger Equations in Quantum Optics (1.6M) H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Mechanics: A Concoction to Baffle Einstein (2.5 MB) H. J. Carmichael
Quantum Noise and Instabilities in Cavity QED (5.0 MB) H. J. Carmichael